CNY Better Breathing Bloc
A collective providing tools, education, resources, and community for Covid-safer living in Syracuse and Central New York.
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Help us learn about your needs and wants for Covid-safer living.
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Learn about opportunities to build community and breathe better together.
Request supplies
We distribute virus safety supplies like respirators and antigen tests.
Learn about opportunities to build community and breathe better together.
learn with us
Learn how to better protect yourself and your communities with our list of resources.
Help us to continue offering masks, tests, tools, events, and education.Thank you to our supporter, First Unitarian Universalist of Syracuse. Please write "BBB" in the comment field of your contribution.
CNY Better Breathing Bloc is a group of community members working to improve our collective living conditions through education, activities, and resources for safer living through multiple disabling pandemics. We are an eclectic group of trans and disabled folks and their allies and accomplices in the occupied Haudenosaunee lands of the greater Syracuse area. Our goal is to work together to gather and share the skills and resources to thrive as a community.
© CNY Better Breathing Bloc. All rights reserved. | Website hosting sponsored by Adam DJ Brett.